Sunday, July 11, 2010

life is pretty...oh so pretty!

it had been a couple of days since i stepped out of home at nagpur. i had made many plans to jog to get some fresh air and enjoy the rains but found myself sleepy most the rainy season. cold breeze do induce sleep a lot! so i had been sleeping after returning from bangalore. yesterday,it poured continuously and mom came home at 5 pm. she narrated her saga of how every auto on her route had water in the carburetor and how she finally got into a city bus. all this charged me up!
i had to go grocery shopping today. i thought I'll go for a jog first and then buy the stuff.
i jogged. i walked. i sat. the weather was good and i didn't have a care in the world! i decided to complete a circuit. when i had barely covered a fourth of it, it started drizzling. YAY! i reached the lake, half drenched. had roasted maze and started again. then i realised i had left my phone at home! it was a blessing in disguise. 10 minutes later it started raining heavily. like everyone else, i started looking for anything that would cover my head. it had started pouring. the road was now a stream with the big rain balls splashing on running water and exploding into nothingness. the wind made the rain come in at an acute angle. everyone was afraid to get wet and started forcing their way back away from the edge of the tin shed of a closed shop. the road had been deserted and the yellow of the street lights made the flowing water glow. every drop that hit the road turned to amber. it was such a simple phenomenon(if you call it that) but it was so beautiful.
about 10 minutes had passed when i saw an elderly couple walking right in the middle of the road enjoying their evening as if it were their last. he wore a maroon t-shirt and dark pants. his walking stick was white and matched with his clothes. his smile was toothless but i hadn't seen such an expressive smile for quite a while.
the next thing i recall is i was sprinting on the road, jumping into every pothole that crossed my way. i smiled at the old man in gratitude and ran away. it didn't seem to tire me. it felt as if i had the breath for a 100 miles. Rain drops were falling on my head and i could hear myself sing, "life is pretty, oh so pretty."
every shelter i passed, someone came out, jolly and smiling. i shouted in joy.
the closer i came to home, the less i wanted to step in. so i stood in the rain, facing the clouds-smiling at them. it was awesome.
i rang the door bell and mom came out-worried and frowning. then she saw my clothes dripping water and said, "keep whatever you have brought on the table and take a hot shower." oh! i had bought nothing. i laughed!
i looked from the veranda, it was still raining. i tied my laces again and stepped out. i ran.....


  1. life is pretty indeed endley saheb !!
    reminds me of 2 passing lines frm a poem.. when it rains ,
    and u get drenched
    oh ! let it be..
    just let it be !!

  2. so lemme take a wild guess. this was one big dream? with you running and all it really couldn't be real could it? :)

  3. In our busy lives, we have forgotten the joy of doing simple things...getting wet in the rain, jumping in the puddle, singing merrily, without caring for the world and just gazing at the sky,without a purpose.
    Wish I could do the same ..( but where is the rain.:P )

  4. maybe India could get a new medal at some athletic seems this runner needs only rains as the pre requisite.

    Rains are lovely, its fun to run in the fog.

  5. Amazing....u write so well...:-)and ya its true...these old couples are so not all....only the kinds..."who get wet in the rain.."..:p
